About Us: THE HtW TEAM

Our work would not be possible without our professional and courageous staff.


Karine Duverger, General Director
Margarette Bury, MD, Program Manager
Jean Carlo Roc, Assistant Executive/Office Manager
Etzaina Georges, Head of Human Resources
Vaina Metellus, Financial Officer
Osmon Jean, Supervisor of Administrators on site
Jean J. Alusma, Head of Logistics

Hebert Norvelus, MD, Medical Supervisor
Edwin Prophete, MD, HIV-TB Specialist/Deputy Medical Supervisor
Gregory Baguidy, MD, Medical Supervisor of HtW/AHF community clinic

HtW has a total of 131 staff in our Haiti program including administrators, doctors, nurses, medical support, discharge planners, peer educator trainers and coordinators, prison sanitation coordinator, health services coordinators, and support staff.


Grace Butler-Martinez, MD


Arnold Campbell
Moya Henry


Pastor Danileck Mitepa


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Team Haiti - 2012:

HtW Haiti staff includes doctors, nurses, x-ray and laboratory technicians, a sanitation coordinator, peer educator trainers and supervisors, discharge planners, clerical, administrative, and medical support staff, etc.

Following health screenings of prisoners in one of Haiti's national prisons, Hebert Norvelus, MD, HIV Specialist and Medical Supervisor (in the middle), conferences with Dr. Edwin Prophete (left) and Haiti program administrator, Karine Duverger (r).

HtW Medical Director, Dr. John P. May, speaks with prisoners in the newer section of Haiti's national penitentiary.

HtW Haiti team sets up to conduct medical screenings at one of Haiti's national prisons. A medical file is established for each of the prisoners screened that includes their photo, medical history, vital signs, medical exam, lab and x-ray results, voluntary HIV testing, treatment recommendations and follow-up.

In September 2014, HtW Medical Director, Dr. John P. May, together with HtW team in Dominican Republic, gather at La Victoria Penitentiary with various partners and Ministry of Health and prison authority, for training and to kick off major project aimed at offering HIV, tuberculosis and health screenings to all 8,000 prisoners at La Victoria Penitentiary in the Dominican Republic within approximately four months.

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